They say Men are from Mars and Women from Venus! And how true that is! Men and women are wired differently. They have dissimilar expectations from each other. For a marriage to work successfully, both must understand how to fulfill each other’s expectations.

Read on to understand what your fiancé or husband expects from you and how to make your marriage a heaven.

Stay Groomed – Look Presentable for Your Soulmate

Looking presentable, attractive, and appealing is the first way to grab a man’s attention. Men think visually – their visual sense is extremely acute. They are just wired that way – it comes naturally to them, unconsciously.
Staying groomed, having impeccable dressing style and a little effort to look good will win handsome points from your soulmate. You may not paint your face with kilograms of make-up but a just taking care of your diet, exercising a little and keeping your skin clean and clear goes a long way in looking good. Also, periodic facials and threading helps you look more attractive, highlights your natural features. Filed nails with no chipped nail paint, a fitted dress and hair neatly tied up is a good way to be presentable.
So, look good and groomed and earn brownie points from your soulmate.

Be Confident & Kind – Your Soulmate will Appreciate

Be a walking contradiction –soft but strong, brave but thoughtful. Men notice your values, your ethics, your morals. Your sense of empathy and good deeds will not go unnoticed. Your little acts of kindness will be big in his eyes. He knows that you will keep the family together and be by his side in all the circumstances because of your kindness.
Gone are the days when men are looking for weak, submissive wives. They want someone bold, vivacious and with a voice. Have an opinion. Voice it fearlessly. Stay up-to-date with current affairs, have knowledge, and hold a conversation confidently.
Be assertive. Beauty with brains is a lethal combination.

These factors need to be discussed in detail prior to the marriage.

Have a Good Sense of Humour – Be Playful with Your Soulmate

Always being serious, always grumpy, or pessimistic does not help you or your soulmate. A little humour, a little playfulness adds to your charisma, enhances your personality. A healthy sense of humour is a rare quality and if you have it or develop it, it will indeed be appreciated by your soulmate.

Be Secure & Sexy – Your Soulmate will Look Up to You

Be confident in your own skin. Love yourself. Even more important than how you look, is how you be; how you are. If you are a secure woman, it will shine through. No one is perfect – learn to love your imperfections, embrace them. Be and show you are secure and content.
And if you love your body, so will your man. So, what if you have love handles and a little belly bulging – so what if you are not zero figure – if you are loving, confident and secure – your soulmate will love you for that. Sexy is just not wearing short skirts – feeling sexy is important, participating whole heartedly in your relationship is sexy, sometimes taking initiative in your bedroom is sexy – do not depend on your soulmate alone for a happy, successful marriage. You too must put in equal work.

Be a Decent Cook – Your Soulmate will Flaunt You for It

Though it might sound cliché – the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Your soulmate will love you creating magic in the kitchen. He would love to have a wife whose cooking skills he can praise before his circle of people. Also, a good cook makes a wonderful host. A woman who knows her burrata from brie and her Pinot Blanc from Pinot Noir will always be in a good stead and be adored by her soulmate.

This may not be a comprehensive list of what do men look for in their soulmate, but it will go a long way to help you win your soulmate’s heart!

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